Gun Gamecube Iso

03-15-2009, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 10:08 AM by skid.)

GameCube ISO Torrents section has been open where you can download iso torrents of best GC roms for playing on Wii. Modded consoles will accept games from all regions (PAL/NSTC) so get the best GC games now! Latest Nintendo Wii ISO releases. Download them with Torrent client. I was messing with these codes for MKD, used the 'unlock everything' one, and indeed, every tomb on the krypt was unlocked, but the content that was in them.nowhere to find.Can these cheats be reversed, cause I accidentally saved and I was almost at finish on konquest mode so I can't use the keys that remains cause.everything is 'unlocked' already.

Finding cheats
You can find codes from the Datel site

Download Gun (U)(OneUp) ROM / ISO for GameCube from Rom Hustler. 100% Fast Download.

US Codes:
PAL Codes:
Or use the Google search engine to find sites that have the codes, or make up your own.
Feel free to submit patches, codes, etc here or on the issues section of the project site.
Note: all downloaded ini's should go to usergameconfig directory
Ways to add the codes
1. Open the game's INI config Notepad, Nano, or w/e text/ini editor you prefer.
2. Right click on the game in the game list > preferences > edit config button. Doing it this way will generate a blank ini file if one doesn't exist.
OR Use the GUI to add/edit codes.
If editing the INI file
Under the [ActionReplay] section in the INI (create it if it doesn't exist), you add the codes in this format:
...and so on

$Infinite Health
062AE01E 08000000
4241FD80 000A44BB
4241FD80 000B6000
$Infinite Missiles
062AE021 08000000
4241FD80 013700FA

Ways to enable codes (Make sure Cheats are enabled in Main config)
1. Add a '+' in front of the code name
2. Open the ISOProperties window and checkmark the code
3. Open the Action Replay Manager and checkmark the code and hit 'Apply Changes'
4. Make sure 'Enable Cheats' is checked in the main dolphin config
5. They can be enabled with the Action Replay Manager.
See also: Dolphin cheats database: How to add your own codes

Gun Room Gamecube Iso

:: System Specs ::
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional x64
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5770
CPU: AMD Phenom I X4 9550
EXP Index: 999999.999999