The Applause Of Heaven Quotes

Applause is a receipt, not a bill.Votes: 6

Max Lucado The Applause of Heaven #324198 Max Lucado The Applause of Heaven Give a man religion without reminding him of his filth, and the result will be arrogance in a three- piece suit.

  • 'Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. 'So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
  • A prolific author and speaker, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, born in 1834, produced more than 3,600 sermons and dozens of books before his death in 1892. Here are 20 of his most moving quotes.

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward.Votes: 6

Applause waits on success.Votes: 5

Applause is the spur of noble minds, the end and aim of weak ones.Votes: 5

Applause should be an emotional response to the music, rather than a regulated social duty.Votes: 5

The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.Votes: 4

The person who seeks all their applause from outside has their happiness in another's keeping .Votes: 4

As they marched, the crowds lining the route broke into applause, a sweet and deeply felt spontaneous pattering that was a sort of communal embrace. Welcome home.Votes: 4

What does it mean when people applaud? Should I give 'em money? Say thank you? Lift my dress? The lack of applause - that I can respond to.Votes: 4

Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful.Votes: 4

Applause abates diligence.Votes: 3

Applause waits on successVotes: 3

Applause is the beginning of abuseVotes: 3

Applause, applause, life is our cause.Votes: 3

Kings fight for empires, madmen for applause.Votes: 3

Applause is a receipt, not a billVotes: 3

The Applause Of Heaven Quotes

I always get more applause than votes.Votes: 3

Applause is a receipt, not a note of demand.Votes: 3

I don't really feel that I deserve all my applause.Votes: 3

The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.Votes: 3

There is nothing an economist should fear so much as applause.Votes: 3

When I got through, Duke Ellington stood up and started the applause.Votes: 3

Applause is the spur of noble minds, the end and aim of weak onesVotes: 3

Applause is a constant thing in AA. It's how we buy drinks for each other.Votes: 3

My advice to you concerning applause is this: enjoy it but never quite believe itVotes: 3

Applause felt like approval, and it became a drug that soothed the pain, but only temporarily.Votes: 3

Occasionally if you do something extraordinary, the crew responds with spontaneous applause, but that's very rare.Votes: 3

The silence that accepts merit as the most natural thing in the world is the highest applause.Votes: 3

Applause is the most powerful thing... people talk about the sound of it, but what I hear is glee.Votes: 3

Applause lavished at a whim and without discernment, often proves the ruin of young people training for a stage career.Votes: 3

Applause that comes thundering with such force you might think the audience merely suffers the music as an excuse for its ovationsVotes: 3

Applause that comes thundering with such force you might think the audience merely suffers the music as an excuse for its ovations.Votes: 3

Applause was designed to bemuse and confuse you until it explodes into a chorus that reminds us why we love pop music.Votes: 3

Applause, mingled with boos and hisses, is about all that the average voter is able or willing to contribute to public life.Votes: 3

An affair wants to spill, to share its glory with the world. No act is so private it does not seek applause.Votes: 3

Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause. He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws.Votes: 3

In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people.Votes: 3

Humor is the most honest of emotions. Applause for a speech can be insincere, but with humor, if the audience doesn't like it there's no faking it.Votes: 3

We want more people owning things in this country. (Applause.) Let me put it to you bluntly: In a changing world, we want more people to have control over your own life.Votes: 3

I lose my patience, and I own it too, When works are censur'd, not as bad but new; While if our Elders break all reason's laws, These fools demand not pardon but Applause.Votes: 3

The only principles of public conduct that are worthy of a gentleman or a man are to sacrifice estate, ease, health, and applause, and even life, to the sacred calls of his country.Votes: 3

I have been trying to find out exactly when listeners and performers decided that applause between movements would not be allowed, but nobody seems to have been willing to admit that they were the culprit.Votes: 3

All one has to do to get one's stuff in the Congressional Record is to find a stenographer that can stay awake long enough to take it down. Then you mark in the 'Applause' and 'Laughter' parts yourself.Votes: 3

Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see, Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be, In every work regard the writer's end, Since none can compass more than they intend; And if the means be just, the conduct true, Applause, in spite of trivial faults, is due.Votes: 3

Ads are not written to entertain. When they do, those entertainment seekers rare little likely to be the people whom you want. This is one of the greatest advertising faults. Ad writers abandon their part. They forgot they are salesmen and try to be performers. Instead of sales, they seek applauseVotes: 3

It takes two hands to clapVotes: 1

Don't clap I'm not a jazz band for Christ's sakeVotes: 1

Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deaf.Votes: 1

I thank you in advance for the great round of applause I'm about to get.Votes: 1

From day one, I got addicted to being on stage and getting the applause and laughter.Votes: 1

To the proud, the applause of the world rings in their ears; to the humble, the applause of heaven warms their hearts.Votes: 1

The applause is a celebration not only of the actors but also of the audience. It constitutes a shared moment of delight.Votes: 1

A stand-up comic is judged by every line. Singers get applause at the end of their song no matter how bad they are.Votes: 1

In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of peopleVotes: 1

A great man does not seek applause or place; he seeks for truth; he seeks the road to happiness, and what he ascertains, he gives to others.Votes: 1

As they marched, the crowds lining the route broke into applause, a sweet and deeply felt spontaneous pattering that was a sort of communal embrace. Welcome homeVotes: 1

The pleasure of work is open to anyone who can develop some specialised skill, provided that he can get satisfaction from the exercise of his skill without demanding universal applause.Votes: 1

The point is not to take the world's opinion as a guiding star but to go one's way in life and working unerringly, neither depressed by failure nor seduced by applause.Votes: 1

There is a peculiar gratification in receiving congratulations from one's squadron for a victory in the air. It is worth more to a pilot than the applause of the whole outside world.Votes: 1

The skit was very successful based on the applause. After that show, the three of us decided to get together and try and come up with some songs that we could all participate in.Votes: 1

The applause was so loud and insistent that I had to respond with several encores. I was numb with happiness, when it was over, I knew that this alone must be my life and my world.Votes: 1

Well, I think if more people had more applause, it would make them feel better. I often give my wife a round of applause. If the meal is very good I give her a standing ovation.Votes: 1

But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible.Votes: 1

Yes, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. You have conquered and you will conquer still, because you are prepared for the tactics that decide the fate of battles.Votes: 1

There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don't care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause.Votes: 1

From then on, I realized this is what I want to do, what I'm supposed to do: Giving energy and receiving it back through applause. I love it. That's my world. I love it. I enjoy it. I live for it.Votes: 1

Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes,' he said, his voice rising as applause and cheers mounted. 'Shake it off. Stop complainin'. Stop grumblin'. Stop cryin'. We are going to press on. We have work to do.Votes: 1

Living in a community with very wounded people, I came to see that I had lived most of my life as a tightrope artist trying to walk on a high, thin cable from one tower to the other, always waiting for the applause when I had not fallen off and broken my leg.Votes: 1

Old men need applause too.Votes: 0

From self alone expect applause.Votes: 0

anybody's applause is better than nobody's.Votes: 0

Nothing but disaster follows from applause.Votes: 0

It was all cheese and applause.Votes: 0

Popular applause veers with the wind.Votes: 0

applause, n. The echo of a platitude.Votes: 0

We should welcome applause whenever it comes.Votes: 0

Evil report carries further than any applause.Votes: 0

Silence,--the applause of real and durable impressions.Votes: 0

I can't hear the critics talking over the applause.Votes: 0

Appreciation, applause, approval, respect - we all love it!Votes: 0

You must be prepared to work always without applause.Votes: 0

Nobody kicks on being interrupted if it's by applause.Votes: 0

In America, applause is won only by physical exertion.Votes: 0

So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.Votes: 0

Virtue was vanity dressed up and waiting for applause.Votes: 0

We protest against unjust criticism but we accept unarmed applause.Votes: 0

The hoopla, the applause, the praises have never excited me.Votes: 0

It is harder to avoid censure than to gain applause.Votes: 0

The applause of silence. is the only kind that counts.Votes: 0

Every ear is tickled with the sweet music of applause.Votes: 0

Those who play for applause....Tha t's all they get.Votes: 0

No act is so private it does not seek applause.Votes: 0

Just about the only interruption we don't object to is applause.Votes: 0

Satirists gain the applause of others through fear, not through love.Votes: 0

One learns to ignore criticism by first learning to ignore applause.Votes: 0

There is nothing that compares to an unexpected round of applause.Votes: 0

Awards are like applause, and every actor likes to hear applause.Votes: 0

Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deafVotes: 0

Bacon's the best. Even the frying of bacon sounds like applause.Votes: 0

The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.Votes: 0

In the vain laughter of folly wisdom hears half its applause.Votes: 0

A universal applause is seldom less than two thirds of a scandalVotes: 0

Soul of the age! The applause! delight! The wonder of our stage!Votes: 0

I am taking the applause sign home, putting it in the bedroom.Votes: 0

I'm much more interested in making people laugh than getting applause breaks.Votes: 0

The hunger for applause is the source for all conscious literature and heroismVotes: 0

Too liberal self-accusations are generally but so many traps for acquittal with applause.Votes: 0

The melancholy ghosts of dead renown, Whispering faint echoes of the world's applause.Votes: 0

If anyone ever boos you off stage, that is simply applause from ghosts.Votes: 0

Classifications as JokesConfidential: snickersSecret: guffawsTop Secret: full belly laughsUnclassified: uproarious laughter and applauseVotes: 0

Like Cato, give his little senate laws, and sit attentive to his own applause.Votes: 0

Glorious bouquets and storms of applause are the trimmings which every artist naturally enjoys.Votes: 0

When you hear bacon cooking....that sizzling sound isn't the fat cooking....that's applause.Votes: 0

How many souls have been blown into hell with the wind of popular applause?Votes: 0

Don't accept the applause of men, and you won't be destroyed by their criticism.Votes: 0

O, popular applause! what heart of man is proof against thy sweet, seducing charms?Votes: 0

Nothing guarantees more applause and more support than the call to abolish the IRS.Votes: 0

People go into politics because they want the affirmation, and they want the applause.Votes: 0

What good are fans? You can't eat applause for breakfast. You can't sleep with it.Votes: 0

To win applause one must write stuff so simple that a coachman might sing it.Votes: 0

There is always a certain noise in applause: even in the applause we give ourselves.Votes: 0

Did I play my role well? If so, then applause, because the comedy is finished!Votes: 0

Many shining actions owe their success to chance, though the general or statesman receive the applause.Votes: 0

We must do our work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause.Votes: 0

Beware [of] the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns.Votes: 0

Every artist loves applause. The praise of his contemporaries is the most valuable part of his recompense.Votes: 0

Sincere compliments cost nothing and can accomplish much. In any relationship, they are the applause that refreshes.Votes: 0

The applause and the favour of our fellow-men Fan even a spark of genius to a flame.Votes: 0

All of us love applause, and so we should - it means that the listener likes us!Votes: 0

there is no applause that so flatters a man as that which he wrings from unwilling throats ...Votes: 0

It's my theory that if you hear enough applause and laughter at a young enough age, you're doomedVotes: 0

There's a huge difference between the shallow pleasure of instant applause and the long-lasting impact of true connection.Votes: 0

One gains universal applause who mingles the useful with the agreeable, at once delighting and instructing the reader.Votes: 0

C'mon, we're actors. We love the attention. We love the applause. We sure don't like to be rejected.Votes: 0

The lights go down, you hear the applause and you're up there, and then everything else is forgotten.Votes: 0

Sincere compliments cost nothing and can accomplish so much. In ANY relationship, they are the applause that refreshes.Votes: 0

Getting a lot of applause, announcing military reforms and upgrades. It's a really good speech [of Donald Trump].Votes: 0

A man sitting monkey-like on the rooftop of his brain is due the applause such feats earn him.Votes: 0

If I have played my part well, clap your hands, and dismiss me with applause from the stage.Votes: 0

Getting a lot of applause, announcing military reforms and upgrades. It's a really good speech [of Donald Trump].Votes: 0

To test a modest man's modesty do not investigate if he ignores applause, find out if he abides criticism.Votes: 0

There are some whom the applause of the multitude has deluded into the belief that they are really statesmen.Votes: 0

That's the greatest applause that any person will ever receive in their life when it comes from their peersVotes: 0

I appreciate your applause, but I don't do it for applause. I do it for cash, it's much better.Votes: 0

The applause of all but very good men is no more than the precise measure of their possible hostility.Votes: 0

I still sing because I love the sound of applause, because it's who I am, and because I still can.Votes: 0

You are never too old for applause. What's satisfying is that I'm being appreciated for what I was trained for.Votes: 0

Minds that are great and free, should not on fortune pause: 'Tis crown enough to virtue still, her own applause.Votes: 0

Behind the footlights there is always the applause, which stimulates the actors. On the screen it is a different matter.Votes: 0

Like our title song “Clap”, I want to become a singer that receive the applause from all people.Votes: 0

A vain man can never be utterly ruthless: he wants to win applause and therefore he accommodates himself to othersVotes: 0

There is nothing like the high of being on stage and reaping applause, especially for emotionally needy people like me!Votes: 0

The applause we give those who are new to society often proceeds from a secret envying of those already established.Votes: 0

The State of the Union is less written than it is designed, structured and organized around applause prompts and camera cues.Votes: 0

I consider it an indubitable mark of mean-spiritedness and pitiful vanity to court applause from the pen or tongue of man.Votes: 0

He only is a great man who can neglect the applause of the multitude and enjoy himself independent of its favor.Votes: 0

As a film actor, you don't often get that opportunity to meet with your audience and take your applause on stage.Votes: 0

Great power constitutes its own argument, and it never has much trouble drumming up friends, applause, sympathetic exegesis, and a band.Votes: 0

The Applause Of Heaven Lyrics

Anyone who hears enough laughter and applause at a young age will become an actor, whether they intend to or not.Votes: 0

All this is a dream to me. Everything, the applause, the fans asking for autographs, the trips, all that is a dream.Votes: 0

O heart, be at peace, because Nor knave nor dolt can break What's not for their applause, Being for a woman's sake.Votes: 0

I want to thank you for stopping the applause. It is impossible for me to look humble for any period of time.Votes: 0

I would like you all to give me a round of applause as I have not crashed my car in over 15 months.Votes: 0

Artists... do not need the applause or condemnation of the critics, the ideas of other artists, or the demands of the collectors.Votes: 0

Expressions of disapproval are on a level of vulgarity that cannot be tolerated. The way to express disapproval is to do without applause.Votes: 0

The Applause Of Heaven Quotes

They who gain applause and power by pandering to the mistakes, the prejudices and passions of the multitude are the enemies of liberty.Votes: 0

There is no reward so delightful, no pleasure so exquisite, as having one's work known and acclaimed by those whose applause confers honor.Votes: 0

Man may content himself with the applause of the world and the homage paid to his intellect, but woman's heart has holier idols.Votes: 0

The applause of the audience is short-lived. When calls resound for an encore, we are called to direct our attention to our Master.Votes: 0

I love like a leaf in the wind. Please, hold your applause until the end of the performance (the last day of fall).Votes: 0

Max Lucado The Applause Of Heaven Quotes

Neither human applause nor human censure is to be taken as the best of truth; but either should set us upon testing ourselves.Votes: 0

There may be no trumpet sound or loud applause when we make a right decision, just a calm sense of resolution and peace.Votes: 0

If you really want a prize, or if you really want applause, you should try to write as many books as humanly possible.Votes: 0

When you can be your own best audience and when your applause is the best applause you know of, youre in good shape.Votes: 0

Oh, how thunderous the applause must be in Heaven, all those times we are mocked on earth for the sake of His name.Votes: 0

I have discovered three things which know no geographical borders - classical music, American jazz, and applause as the sign of the public's favor.Votes: 0

In many ways we were drugged when we were young. We were brought up to need people. For what? For acceptance, approval, appreciation, applause.Votes: 0

I used the boos, and not the booze, as motivation. That led to applause, which I drank up like an alcoholic. I need a refill.Votes: 0

I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all timeVotes: 0

It is an absurdity to believe that the Deity has human passions, and one of the lowest of human passions, a restless appetite for applauseVotes: 0

The quicker, the louder, the applause with which another tries to gain you over to his purpose--the bitterer his censure if he miss his aim.Votes: 0

No matter how many times audience has already applauded, the sound of their applause will get louder with the better quality of your magic effect.Votes: 0

Right after the assassination of Osama bin Laden, amid all the cheers and applause, there were a few critical comments questioning the legality of the act.Votes: 0

If you are lucky enough to be a success, by all means enjoy the applause and the adulation of the public. But never, never believe it.Votes: 0

What exactly is success? For me it is to be found not in applause, but in the satisfaction of feeling that one is realizing one's ideal.Votes: 0

My cabinet was made by hand. My applause is also made by hand, and I stood there clapping the whole time the carpenter was making my cabinet.Votes: 0

The effusions of genius are entitled to admiration rather than applause, as they are chiefly the effect of natural endowment, and sometimes appear to be almost involuntary.Votes: 0

Temp'rate in every place--abroad, at home, Thence will applause, and hence will profit come; And health from either--he in time prepares For sickness, age, and their attendant cares.Votes: 0

Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.Votes: 0

How many watched the President's speech last night? [half-hearted audience applause] How many watched American Idol ? [thundering applause] Okay, there you go! You get the government you deserve.Votes: 0

I am bit sending messages with my feet. All I ever wanted was not to come up empty. I did it for the dough and the old applause.Votes: 0

The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you'll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.Votes: 0

The first time I acted was in high school in Florida, and when I heard that applause I felt so alive and felt that electricity go up my spine.Votes: 0

To receive applause for works which do not demand all our powers hinders our advance towards a perfecting of our spirit. It usually means that thereafter we stand still.Votes: 0

You can tell by the applause: There's perfunctory applause, there's light applause, and then there's real applause. When it's right, applause sounds like vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.Votes: 0

And I tell my audience, you know, give the real stars a round of applause. Because without them I'm nobody. So I learned so much from people like that.Votes: 0

Seek not to grow in knowledge chiefly for the sake of applause, and to enable you to dispute with others; but seek it for the benefit of your souls.Votes: 0

Laissez-faire, supply and demand-one begins to be weary of all that. Leave all to egotism, to ravenous greed of money, of pleasure, of applause-it is the gospel of despair.Votes: 0

Great minds had rather deserve contemporaneous applause without obtaining it, than obtain without deserving it. If it follow them it is well, but they will not deviate to follow it.Votes: 0

But if applause throws off your timing, then you're not the kind of comedian I would like to see. All you have to do is stand there and take it.Votes: 0

Cyriack, whose Grandsire on the Royal Bench Of British Themis, with no mean applause Pronounced and in his volumes taught our Laws, Which others at their Bar so often wrenchVotes: 0

The hardest thing is to endure the applause of fools, and patiently suffer the booing, while with the bravissimo of the foolish one would rather strike them between the ears.Votes: 0

A man desires praise that he may be reassured, that he may be quit of his doubting of himself; he is indifferent to applause when he is confident of success.Votes: 0

The applause of list'ning senates to command, The threats of pain and ruin to despise, To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read their history in a nation's eyes.Votes: 0

Sometimes I wish that applause would come just a bit later, when it is so beautifully hushed that I feel like holding my breath in the silence of the end.Votes: 0

Flattery of the verbal kind is gross. In short, applause is of too coarse a nature to be swallowed in the gross, though the extract or tincture be ever so agreeable.Votes: 0

Who decides when the applause should die down? It seems like it's a group decision; everyone begins to say to themselves at the same time, 'Well, okay, that's enough of that.'Votes: 0

How many of us, who are engaged in the Lord's holy service, are secretly cherishing some proud purpose of excelling other men, of making a name, of securing money and applause.Votes: 0

My father upon the Abbey stage, before him a raging crowd. 'This Land of Saints,' and then as the applause died out, 'Of plaster Saints;' his beautiful mischievous head thrown back.Votes: 0

Part of me would love to have been a leading lady because there's a lot of glamour that goes with that and a lot of applause, but I've been very blessed.Votes: 0

Those of you who speak only English, applaud [audience applause]. Those of you who speak only Spanish, applaud [audience applause]. [In mock incredulity] Then how do you know what I just said?Votes: 0

Journalists were never intended to be the cheerleaders of a society, the conductors of applause, the sycophants. Tragically, that is their assigned role in authoritarian societies, but not here - not yet.Votes: 0

There is no evil that does not promise inducements. Avarice promises money; luxury, a varied assortment of pleasures; ambition, a purple robe and applause. Vices tempt you by the rewards they offer.Votes: 0

You'll hear a lot of applause in your life, but none will mean more to you than that applause from your peers. I hope each of you hears that at the end.Votes: 0

If solitude deprives of the benefit of advice, it also excludes from the mischief of flattery. But the absence of others' applause is generally supplied by the flattery of one's own breast.Votes: 0

A story should, to please, at least seem true, Be apropos, well told, concise, and new: And whenso'er it deviates from these rules, The wise will sleep, and leave applause to fools.Votes: 0

The brave man seeks not popular applause, Nor, overpower'd with arms, deserts his cause; Unsham'd, though foil'd, he does the best he can, Force is of brutes, but honor is of man.Votes: 0

Instead of always asking how to get others to approve of you... learn to ask: What do I really want, the applause of the crowds or to quietly have my own life?Votes: 0

I don't know which I like best. I love the applause on the stage. But pictures are so fascinating - you reach many millions through them. And you make more money too.Votes: 0

One picture in ten thousand, perhaps, ought to live in the applause of mankind, from generation to generation until the colors fade and blacken out of sight or the canvas rot entirely away.Votes: 0

For anyone who works in front of an audience there is no thrill quite like that of feeling and hearing the evidence of the audience members' enjoyment. Laughter and applause really are powerful.Votes: 0

As long as mankind shall continue to bestow more liberal applause on their destroyers than on their benefactors, the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters.Votes: 0

You just said you were sorry.' ... 'I was only apologizing,' he said stiffly, 'for startling you. The applause was to compliment you on the improvement in your life-saving techniques since the last time you-Votes: 0

Any man who makes a speech more than six times a year is bound to repeat himself, not because he has little to say, but because he wants applause and the old stuff gets it.Votes: 0

I would like to be going all over the kingdom...and acting everywhere. There's nothing in the world equal to seeing the house rise at you, one sea of delightful faces, one hurrah of applause!Votes: 0

Max Lucado

The vulgar and common esteem is seldom happy in hitting right; and I am much mistaken if, amongst the writings of my time, the worst are not those which have most gained the popular applause.Votes: 0

It is a very great mistake to imagine that the object of loyalty is the authority and interest of one individual man, however dignified by the applause or enriched by the success of popular actions.Votes: 0

Max Lucado The Applause Of Heaven

Washington society has always demanded less and given more than any society in this country--demanded less of applause, deference,etiquette, and has accepted as current coin quick wit, appreciative tact, and a talent for talking.Votes: 0