Virtualbox Serial Port Connection

Access COM in VirtualBox; COM port in VMware; Emulate Serial Port with Serial to Ethernet Connector. This third-party software is one of the easiest ways to connect to a serial port on a computer running Linux or Windows. The software will create a client connection by initiating data redirection from a serial port – local or real – to a.

VirtualBox headless with serial console

Configure VirtualBox

First set up a serial port in VirtualBox. In the Details section for the virtualmachine, click Serial Ports, check Enable Serial Port, set Port Mode to HostPipe, check Create Pipe and put e.g. /tmp/freebsd8vm-socket in Port/File Path.

  1. VirtualBox serial port setup frustration. See which ones you want to connect. I think VirtualBox support a maximum of two serial ports at any one time. 2) Look through section 8.5 of that manual. Hardware serial port of the host is specified, the virtual serial port is con-nected to that hardware port. On a Windows host, the device.
  2. The setup I used is (usb-to-serial - null modem - usb-to-serial) However - the problem still occurs when using ports created with com0com. I reiterate that there is only a problem when forwarding the port through VirtualBox, since it works perfectly when running and outside of VirtualBox. The problem also occurs on a.

Now start the virtual machine. Use socat to connect the domain socketcreated by VirtualBox to a pty.

It should be possible to now connect to the serial port with screen. If youdisconnect the screen session the pty will be removed, so the above socatcommand will need to be run again.

Enable serial console in FreeBSD


Enable serial console in Linux

These instructions apply at least to Debian Lenny, but probably will at leastmostly work on other Linux systems as well.

Uncomment/modify this line in /etc/inittab for serial console.

Tell init to re-read inittab

Virtualbox serial port connection diagram

Now we have to tell grub and the kernel (via grub) to use a serial console aswell. Add the following to /boot/grub/menu.lst

Then find the kernel boot options line, which should look like this

and add arguments to use a serial console

Now update the Debian automagic kernel sections

I also added noapic to the kernel options to prevent the system fromperiodically freezing at boot

Useful VBoxManage commands

Start headless

If rebooting the VM is necessary

It is handy to be able to ssh to the VM. When using the default NAT networkconfiguration for VirtualBox, the only way to make network connections from thehost to the guest system is with port forwarding. The following commands willforward port 2222 on the host to 22 on the guest VM. Unfortunately this makesthe host listen on, and I have not found a way to make it only listenlocally.


Active4 years, 11 months ago

As an Embedded Software Engineer serial port access is very critical requirement for me irrespective off which OS I am using and how I am using it (I mean with or without virtualization).

I have Windows XP as primary Operating System, however, I need to work on Linux for lot of hobby projects. I hate to manage two computers for two reasons first is it makes workplace really messy with extra wires and Second is I always need some space to keep items like Power Supplies, Oscilloscopes, Programmers, Debuggers etc. which are unavoidable.

So I installed Kubuntu as Guest OS on my Windows Host and I wanted to access the host serial port for debugging purposes. Virtual Box does provide this feature and its quite easy to configure as well. The problem is, it can be done in more then one way and that’s where user might get confused that’s why I am writing this post.

Virtualbox Serial Port Settings

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3 Answers

Can you just enable the serial port for that particular VM?

In VirtualBox, make sure your VM is not powered up, and

  • Right Click your VM
  • Click settings,
  • Choose the 'Serial Ports' menu
  • Select which Serial port you wich to pass through
  • Click the checkbox to enable it.

you can also change settings for the serial ports from this screen.

RobotnikVirtualbox Serial Port ConnectionRobotnik
2,1202 gold badges18 silver badges39 bronze badges

I found this question, and found the existing answer less than satisfactory. Here's how I solved a similar problem.

I have OpenSuSE 12.2 running as a guest on VirtualBox 4.2 on a Windows (Vista) host. I want to communicate with an X10 'Firecracker' serial device. What worked for me was

The key here, which was not obvious to me, was to select 'Host Device' and enter, seemingly redundantly, 'COM1' as the host path. I did NOT select 'Create Pipe'.

Rob CranfillRob Cranfill

Virtualbox Serial Port Mode

Virtualbox allows each VM to have two serial ports. I tried everything under the sun to get this to work on the first of these ports (Settings | Serial Ports | Port 1 tabbed page).

Eventually I removed the check mark from 'Enable Serial Port' on port 1 and then tried Port 2 instead. It worked instantly, the Guest could use the host's physical serial port.

Virtualbox Serial Port Connection In Arduino

Host = Win 7 64 bitGuest = Win XP Pro SP3

Philip BeckPhilip Beck

Virtualbox Com Port

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